Beemster | Buy Local
Beemster is the number 1 cheese brand in the Netherlands. And that’s a problem. People tend to think it’s a big corporate factory cheese. No way Hosay. Beemster is made by a small co-op of local farmers in one of the oldest ‘polders’ in the world - the Beemster.
It was time to tell the world a simple truth: where it’s made matters as much as how it’s made.
From the homegrown grass, to the farmers in charge, the name of the game is ‘local’ (hey - even the wind energy used is local).
This was a story that had been true for generations. But launched during the pandemic it made ever more sense. Which might be why this proved to be the most successful brand campaign in the history of Beemster.
Buy Local | TVC “45
Creatives and Directors: Philip&Hugo
Production: Francine van der Lee
Client: Nicole van Gorp
DP: Tim Kerbosch
Editor: Pim van der Pas & Martin Heijgelaar (MRTN)
Sound design: Sharky
Coloring: De Grot
Photography: Marieke van der Velden