Booking.com | Heroes
For Booking, the true heroes of travel are the ones in hotels, and B&B’s and resorts who go the extra mile. Who just give travellers an extraordinary experience by adding a personal touch. A little extra care.
It was time to celebrate these unsung heroes. By retelling some of their heroic tales. Like the one about the B&B owner who tracked down the ancestors of a man who lost his roots.
Or the one of the New York receptionist who saved the wedding day of a Belgian couple. Or the lovely lady who took in a wounded traveller like her son while giving birth to her own child.
We went back to refresh their memories about these stories and give them a little surprise.
Schotland | 2:36
New York | 2:51
Sri Lanka | 2:47
Creative: Cloud Factory
Directors: Philip&Hugo
DP: Tim Kerbosch
Production: WeFilm
Coloring: The Ambassadors
Client: Courtney Maywald